Course Schedule and Content 2024

Schedule Overview

The course is taught in period V (22 April – 3 June 2024) on Mondays from 14:15-16:00 in R030/A133 T5 in CS building.

Seminar Slides Date
Session 1 Slides 22 April 2024
Session 2 Slides 29 April 2024
Session 3 Slides 06 May 2024
Session 4 Slides Example Example Source 13 May 2024
Session 5 Slides 20 May 2024
Session 6 Slides 27 May 2024
Session 7 Final presentations 3 June 2024

Schedule Detail

Session 1: Introduction to Bayesian Workflows

Learning Outcomes for the Session
  • Understanding of why data analysis / statistical / Bayesian Workflows are needed (i.e., current problems)
  • Basic understanding of how Bayesian Workflows aim to solve problems
  • Basic understanding of steps in workflow
What the Session will Cover
  • Practicalities of course
    • Details of the grading/assessment
    • Timing/schedules
    • Where to find more information and support
  • Relationship to prior BDA project tasks
    • Concepts/tasks from BDA which will be relevant
  • Possible datasets and modelling problems
    • For students without their own
  • Exploratory data analysis in Bayesian Workflow

Session 2: Choosing an Initial Model

Learning Outcomes for the Session
  • How to specify a research question that can be answered with a statistical model
  • Awareness of tools and methods to aid in exploring data and formulating question
  • Awareness of common/standard modelling approaches for different questions
  • Students should have decided on their research question and at least 1 initial model
What the Session will Cover
  • Using exploratory data analysis to support the choice of initial models
  • Common models and modelling approaches for common research questions
    • e.g., observational, randomised study, purely exploratory, based on theory
  • Literature and best-practices can also help with model development
    • Using either an example or a student’s dataset/problem as an example

Session 3: Prior Choices

Learning Outcomes for the Session
  • Develop awareness of impact of mis-specified priors
  • Understanding of approaches for specifying prior (i.e., prior elicitation)
  • Understanding of tools/methods for diagnosing prior sensitivity
What the Session will Cover
  • How to turn assumptions/knowledge into prior
    • Generative priors, penalised complexity, etc.
    • Connection to model expansion/choice/selection goals
    • Brief coverage of different topics for prior choice
  • How to assess prior choice
    • If the type of prior / prior properties do not align, etc.
    • Prior predictive checks
  • How to revise/modify a prior (if needed)

Session 4: Model Checking: Posterior Predictive Checks & Calibration

Learning Outcomes for the Session
  • Understanding role of predictive checks in model-checking
  • Understanding of impact of different data types on approach (e.g., continuous vs discrete)
  • Familiarity with different graphical methods and tools for supporting checking
What the Session will Cover
  • Detecting, resolving, and reporting:
    • Prior sensitivity
    • Posterior predictive checks
    • Calibration

Session 5: Extending Models and Model Selection

Learning Outcomes for the Session
  • Understanding of how to extend a model to better address a research question, and if it is even needed
  • Understanding of how to select between different models, and whether this is necessary
  • Understanding of how to combine multiple models for increased performance
What the Session will Cover
  • Common methods for model expansion
    • Data-driven vs theory-driven
  • Common methods for model comparison, and interpreting the results of these
  • Alternatives to model selection
    • e.g., model averaging

Session 6: Interpreting and Presenting Model Results

Learning Outcomes for the Session
  • Using model quantities and results to assess whether research question has been answered
    • Reflecting on how/if initial question has changed throughout workflow process
    • Reflection on possible alternative expansions for research questions/models
  • Presenting model results accessibly
What the Session will Cover
  • How to extract and prepare results
    • e.g., using R packages such as tidybayes and marginaleffects
    • Further analysis of interesting effects (interactions, smooths, etc.)
  • Prior sensitivity for final conclusions (quantities/choices not sensitive to priors)
  • Brief introduction to alternative methods for constructing and reporting alternative models
    • e.g., Multiverse analysis

Session 7: Summary & Presentations

Learning Outcomes for the Session
  • Awareness of how workflow will differ between research questions
  • Reflection of how workflow contributed to analysis process
  • Reflection on future iterations of model